Item No: #364863 Autograph Note, Signed (ANS). Stephen King.

Humorous Flood Sympathy Note

Autograph Note, Signed (ANS)

Publication: 1975.

Notes: A heartfelt handwritten note from Stephen King to a collector who apparently lost their books in a flood. The note reads, "Here's hoping you can rebuild in a hurry—and from now on, keep your collection in watertight glass cases with floatation collars! All the best, Stephen King. November 30, 1975."

The note dates from the period just after the publication of 'Salem's Lot, when King was establishing himself as a major figure in horror fiction. While King responded to many fans during this period with typewritten postcards, handwritten notes are notably scarce.

3 by 5 inches (index card).

Edition + Condition: Fine; previous autograph collector's note on the back in red ink. From the Tom Garner collection.

Item No: #364863
